Vanuit de European Baptist Federation bereikte ons een verzoek om een bijdrage te leveren aan een rampsituatie in Albanië, een situatie waar een lokale Baptistengemeente aldaar nauw bij betrokken is. We hebben op dit verzoek positief geantwoord met een contributie van € 1000,- uit het noodfonds. Er zal geen actie voor worden opgezet, aangezien er nu al een noodhulpactie loopt voor Oekraïne.
Dit is het verzoek dat we kregen (Engels):
On the first of February the south of Albania experienced a bad weather situation, which brought massive flood. These floods caused extraordinary damages to the economy of hundreds of families. Thousands of acres of planted land were damaged and a huge number of livestock was lost. Also a considerable amount of damage occurred inside the homes of habitants. This situation was severe for the lives of many habitants in the affected areas. Now that the water has receded in most of the areas, many families have returned to their home, but because of the huge damage they are not capable to start their normal life.
We, the Baptist Union and its member churches are collecting offerings for the people in need, but our help is somewhat symbolic as our income is not quite enough.
I am writing to ask whether EBF or other Baptist Unions are able to help in this situation, so that we as Baptist Union can respond to the appeal of the Government, in giving our contribution to these people in need. We have one Baptist Church which works in that area.